Illustration of the Leviathan of Long Island Sound, said to lurk in the waters of Old Saybrook, CT

The Slumbering Leviathan of Long Island Sound: Whispers from the Depths in Old Saybrook, CT

The waters that gently lap against Old Saybrook’s shores hide secrets far older than the town itself. For generations, legends have spoken of an otherworldly presence lurking in the fathomless depths of Long Island Sound. This entity, referred to as the “Leviathan of Long Island Sound,” is said to be of immense proportions, a relic …

Illustration of a strange algae creature lurking beneath the waters of East Hampton, CT's Lake Pocotopaug

East Hampton, CT’s Lake Pocotopaug Algaloid: What Slimly Menace Dwells Beneath these Waters?

Lake Pocotopaug reigns as a tranquil oasis, captivating visitors with its glistening waters and hidden depths. But beneath its surface lies a secret that has intrigued and mystified the local community. Legend has it that Lake Pocotopaug harbors a mysterious creature, an entity born from the very essence of its waters. Tales whispered among the …

illustration of the mysterious and supernatural Black Cat of Durham, CT

The Black Cat of Durham, CT: Beware this Dark Cycloptic Feline

In the moonlit streets of Durham, CT, a bewitching presence silently prowls, captivating the imaginations of locals and visitors alike. It is a mysterious one-eyed black cat, a legendary creature that has become an enduring enigma in the fabric of this quaint town. With its singular eye gleaming, it slinks through the shadows. Legend tells …